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Fedora 17 Install Guide

v2.0, February 2013 by Maxwell Spangler

This is my personal guide for transforming a fresh install of Fedora 17 Linux into a customized workstation environment tailored specifically for my needs.

Using this script allows me to perform this tailoring process quickly and reliably while also reinforcing the methods used and components involved.

Base Linux Environment
  1. Install Fedora 17 Linux
  2. Customize /etc/bashrc
  3. Customize $HOME/.vimrc
  4. Configure Basic Networking
Proxies (Corporate environment)
  1. Configure Firefox Proxy
  2. Configure GNOME Proxy
  3. Configure Yum Proxy in /etc/yum.conf
RPMFusion Repositories and Update Packages
  1. Install yum-plugin-fastestmirror
  2. Install rpmfusion repo
  3. Update base OS install with current packages
Additional Packages
  1. Install required packages using 'fedora-desktop-packages' script
Third Party Applications
  1. Install Oracle VirtualBox
  2. Install Adobe i386 repo and Acrobat Reader
  3. Install Adobe x86_64 repo and Flash Player
  4. Install Google Applications
GNOME Environmental Settings
  1. Set User Photo
  2. Set desktop background
  3. Configure Google as an online account
  4. Set screen lock preferences
  5. Set display resolution
  6. Set keyboard shortcuts
  7. Configure Wireless shortcuts
  8. Set date/time properties
  9. Set options in GNOME Tweak Tool
System Environmental Settings
  1. Set SELinux to Permissive
  2. Configure Firewall
  1. Install custom fonts
  2. Install Microsoft fonts
  3. Set default fonts in Firefox
Special installs
  1. Install Oracle Java 7 Runtime
  2. Install HP Virtual Rooms (corporate)
Configure Applications
  1. Configure Firefox Plugins
  2. Configure conserver client (corporate)
  3. Configure pidgin chat client (corporate)
  4. Configure OpenVPN client (corporate)
  5. Configure Samba
  6. Configure VirtualBox
GNOME Shell Extensions
  1. Install "Workspace Indicator"
  2. Install "Remove Bluetooth Icon"
  3. Install "Remove Accessability Icon"
  4. Install "All-in-one Places"
  5. Install "CPU Temperature Indicator"
  6. Install "CPU Frequency" (laptops)
  7. Install "Dash and Overview Click Fix"
  8. Install "Frippery Static Workspaces" (Fedora16)
  9. Install "Music Integration"
  10. Install "Monitor Status Indicator"
  11. Install "Recent Items"
  12. Install "Removable Drive Menu"
  13. Install "Trash"
Restore Data
  1. Restore User Files
  2. Restore Evolution Email Configuration and Data

At this point, reboot the system and verify that everything comes up clean and works correctly.

Share and Enjoy!

Base Linux Environment

Install Fedora 17 LinuxTop

Some basic notes on how I perform my installs:

  1. Boot the install media and begin the boot process.
  2. Choose English for Language and Keyboard
  3. Choose Basic Storage Devices
  4. Set hostid to your fully qualified domain name. (DHCP may reset this later if you let it.)
  5. Set timezone and uncheck "System clock uses UTC" so localtime is used.
  6. Set root password. Type carefully
  7. Storage: Create custom layout
    Physical partitioning
    # Type Size Encrypted Description
    1 ext2 500 MB no Kernels and initrd images for booting
    2 LVM2 Physical Volume All yes All remaining space

    Volume Group filesystems:
    Description Mount Point File System Type Logical Volume Name Size
    System files only, 32 is normally plenty / ext4 lv_root 32 GB
    Log files and KVM virtual machines /var ext4 lv_var 4 - 128GB
    User files /home ext4 lv_home Remaining space
    Swap support swap swap lv_swap 1x - 2x memory
    Unallocated LVM space for snapshots Unallocated n/a n/a 5%
  8. Create a 500MB /boot partition. This contains minimal files for booting only. Create->Standard Partition->Create
  9. Create a physical volume using the rest of the space on the drive. Create->LVM Physical Volume
    Select "Fill to maximum allowable size"
    Check the encrypt box if you wish to encrypt your data for safety.
  10. Create an LVM volume group using the physical volume. Create->LVM Volume Group
  11. Create a logical volume lv_root for the / (root) filesystem. This contains operating system files.
  12. Create a logical volume lv_var for the /var filesystem. This is used for log files and KVM virtual machines.
  13. Create a logical volume lv_swap for swap space. This is virtual memory and hopefully won't be used much.
  14. Create a logical volume lv_home for the /home filesystem that contains your user files.
  15. Optionally, leave 32-64G of unallocated space in the volume group for future use.
  16. Install boot loader on /dev/sda, Skip boot loader password
  17. Install "Graphical Desktop". This will provide us with a good base environment and we'll add more packages from their repositories to get the most recent versions.
  18. Allow the install process to complete
  19. Reboot into the installed system.
  20. Create a user and set password.
  21. Enable an NTP server if available.
  22. Send hardware profile to Fedora if this is a new system.

Configure system-wide /etc/bashrcTop

The following additions to /etc/bashrc configure a more comfortable command line environment for all users.

# Bash: use vi editing
set -o vi

# aliases from my Unix days
alias l="ls -l"
alias lf="ls -CF"

# uncomment this after vim-enhanced is installed
#alias vi="vim"

Maxwell's .bashrc

Append these lines when in a corporate environment requiring a proxy server. Some command line applications will observe these environment variables and use their proxy.

# proxy variables for command line programs.
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
export no_proxy=localhost,.subnet1,.subnet2,
unset ftp_proxy

Of course, make sure you modify them to the proxy server and subnets of your own environment!

Install $HOME/.vimrc config file for VIM editorTop

These settings configure the vim editor to be more comfortable for my tastes.

# set tab space at 4 characters
set tabstop=4

# enable line numbering
set number

Maxwell's .vimrc

Configure Basic NetworkingTop

For wired: Verify via Network Manager that a DHCP connection is established.

For wireless: Use Network Manager to select a wireless access point and provide WPA keys.

Both: Verify you can use Firefox to access any well known website.


Several steps are required to enable internet access when Fedora is used in an environment requiring proxy servers.

Configure Proxy for FirefoxTop proxy only iconProxy environments only!

Within Firefox, set http and https proxies to the local proxy that serves your traffic. Specify any local domains which should not be handled by the proxy.

Manual proxy configuration:  Port: 8080
SSL Proxy:                   Port: 8080
FTP Proxy: (blank)                                   Port: 0
SOCKS host: (blank)                                  Port: 0

No proxy for: localhost,, .mynetwork, .labnetwork

Configure GNOME System ProxyTop proxy only iconProxy environments only!

Navigate to the GNOME Network control panel applet and configure proxies for http and https traffic. Specify any local domains which should not be handled by the proxy.

Method: Manual
HTTP Proxy:  Port: 8080
HTTPS Proxy:  Port: 8080
FTP Proxy:  (blank)                   Port: 0
Socks host: (blank)                   Port: 0

No proxy for: localhost,, .mynetwork, .labnetwork

Configure yum proxy in /etc/yum.confTop proxy only iconProxy environments only!

Insert the following line into the [main] section in /etc/yum.conf.


Configure Third-party Repositories and Update packages

Install yum-plugin-fastestmirror for speedTop

A yum plugin called "yum-plugin-fastestmirror" selects the fastest Fedora repository mirror for your location and uses that mirror for all future updates. Download it now so all future work with yum is as quick as possible.

# yum -y install yum-plugin-fastestmirror

Install rpmfusion repositoryTop provides repositories for packages not included in the Fedora distribution including packages with non-free components. Enable rpmfusion support now so packages can be installed from it later.

Enable the free and non-free repositories on

Click here to enable the free repository on

Click here to enable the non-free repository on

Update base OS install with current packagesTop

The packages installed using the installation media may have been replaced by updated versions with bug fixes or security enhancements. Run yum update now to update all packages.

# yum -y update

Additional Packages

Install Required Packages using "fedora-desktop-packages" script Top

After installing the base OS from the LiveCD, LiveDVD or other media source, I add additional packages and remove a few of the unwanted base packages. I've written a script called fedora-desktop-packages to automate this for me.

fedora-desktop-packages contains a set of pre-defined packages to be installed or removed to a Linux system. When it runs, it examines what is already installed and takes action to install what is missing.

Right click on fedora-desktop-packages, save it locally then make it executable in order to run it:

$ chmod u+x fedora-desktop-packages

It installs these:

  1. powertop - Power consumption monitor and tuning utility from Intel
  2. nemo - LinuxMint's NEMO File Manager (Gnome Nautilus with tree view) (Fedora18 only)
  3. liveusb-creator - Fedora Live USB install stick creator
  4. rhythmbox - GNOME Audio Player
  5. gstreamer-plugins-ugly - Streaming media backend (non-GPL plugins)
  6. gstreamer-plugins-bad - Streaming media backend (low quality plugins)
  7. gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree - Streaming media backend (non-free plugins)
  8. amarok - GUI Audio Player (KDE)
  9. xine-lib-extras-freeworld - Streaming media backend (non-free plugins)
  10. mplayer - Video player (command-line)
  11. mplayer-gui - Video player (GUI)
  12. gecko-mediaplayer - Video player plugin for Firefox
  13. mencoder - Video encoder
  14. xine-ui - Video player (GUI)
  15. gxine - Video player (GUI)
  16. xine-lib-extras - Streaming media backend (xine, plugins)
  17. xine-lib-extras-freeworld - Streaming media backend (xine, more plugins)
  18. vlc - Video Player (GUI)
  19. easytag - MP3 id3tag editor (GUI)
  20. k3b - DVD/CD burner (GUI)
  21. k3b-extras-freeworld - K3B Plugins (non-free)
  22. httpd - Apache webserver
  23. httpd-tools - Tools for Webserver
  24. tigervnc-server - VNC server to provide remote access to others
  25. remmina - Remote access client (GUI)
  26. remmina-plugins-common - Remmina support files
  27. remmina-plugins-gnome - Remmina plugins for GNOME
  28. remmina-plugins-rdp - Remmina plugins for RDP protocol
  29. remmina-plugins-nx - Remmina plugins for NX protocol
  30. remmina-plugins-vnc - Remmina plugins for VNC protocol
  31. openssh-server - OpenSSH server
  32. openssh-clients - OpenSSH client
  33. samba-common - Samba server and client programs
  34. samba-client - Samba client programs
  35. system-config-samba - Samba gui config
  36. meld - Visual diff comparision utility for files
  37. vim-X11 - Vim editor (X11 support)
  38. vim-enhanced - VIM editor (full feature support)
  39. qemu-kvm - KVM Virtualization
  40. qemu-kvm-tools - Tools for use with KVM
  41. virt-manager - Virtualization manager (GUI)
  42. virt-top - "Top" for Virtualization environments
  43. kernel-headers - Kernel headers for VirtualBox
  44. kernel-devel - Kernel source for Virtualbox, others
  45. gcc - GCC for compiling
  46. dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support for VirtualBox
  47. lm_sensors - Hardware temperature sensors support (command line)
  48. bonnie++ - Storage benchmarking
  49. lsscsi - Block device reporting tool (scsi, sas, sata, usb, etc)
  50. sysstat - Various system performance monitoring tools
  51. pidgin - Instant Messaging client
  52. pidgin-sipe - Pidgin support for Microsoft OC/Lync protocol
  53. pidgin-logviewer - Pidgin log viewer
  54. libreoffice-writer - LibreOffice Word Processor
  55. libreoffice-calc - LibreOffice Spreadsheet
  56. libreoffice-base - LibreOffice Database
  57. libreoffice-impress - LibreOffice Presentations
  58. libreoffice-draw - LibreOffice Drawing
  59. gnome-font-viewer - GNOME Font Viewer (TrueType & OpenType files)
  60. nmap - Networking tool - lists open ports on target
  61. mtr - Enhanced traceroute
  62. mtr-gtk - GUI version of mtr
  63. wget - Web content downloader
  64. openvpn - OpenVPN system
  65. NetworkManager-openvpn - Network Manager plugin for OpenVPN backend
  66. unzip - Extracts data from zip archive files
  67. unrar - Extracts data from rar archive files
  68. conserver-client - Client to conserver serial port server system
  69. minicom - Serial terminal client
  70. libpng-compat.i686 - PNG library (i686 version) for HP Virtual Rooms Dependency
  71. alsa-lib.i686 - ALSA sound library (i686 version) for HP Virtual Rooms Dependency
  72. gparted - Disk partitioning GUI front end
  73. gnome-tweak-tool - GUI app for custom-tuning GNOME details

Third-Party Applications

These commercial applications are provided directly from their vendors and require special steps to download and install.

Install Oracle VirtualBoxTop

VirtualBox has been my primary hypervisor for running Windows virtual machines.

  1. Download Oracle VirtualBox.
  2. Download a VirtualBox extension pack for USB support.

Install VirtualBox using yum:

# yum -y install ~/Downloads/VirtualBox

To complete the installation, run the VirtualBox application and install the license pack in File->Preferences->Extensions

I've used repositories for VirtualBox in the past, but recently found problems with their packages being tied to specific kernels. Periodic downloads from is a simple way around this.

Install Adobe i386 repo for AcrobatTop

Install the official Adobe Acrobat Reader program to overcome small incompatabilities observed with the open source PDF readers.

  1. Enable the Adobe Reader repository. (Click here and open with Software Install) or
# rpm -ivh
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux
  1. Use yum to download and install Adobe Acrobat from the repository.
# yum -y install AdobeReader_enu

Install Adobe x86_64 repo for Flash PlayerTop

Install the Adobe x86_64 repo to enable easy access to flash player updates.

  1. Enable the Adobe x86_64 repository. (Click here) or
# rpm -ivh
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux
  1. Use yum to download and install the Adobe Flash plugin from the repository.
# yum -y install flash-plugin
  1. Restart Firefox
  2. Visit this page to verify flash is working

Install Google ApplicationsTop

  1. Right click and save this link for the Google Signing Key or
# wget
  1. Import the key into the rpm database
# rpm --import
  1. Download the Chrome package (which also enables the chrome repository.)
# yum localinstall google-chrome-stable*
  1. Download the Google Earth package
# yum localinstall google-earth*

Gnome Environmental Settings

These configuration changes can be made while the previous 'yum update' activity or 'packages' script activites are in progress.

The following activities can be performed interactively while other programs are being installed.

Run the System Settings program to make these changes:

  1. Users Accounts: Set the user icon to an actual photo.
  2. Background: Set the desktop background to something you like.
  3. Online Accounts: Setup Google Online accounts for calendaring, gchat, etc.
  4. Screen: Set/Disable screen lock.
  5. Displays: Set display resolution
  6. Keyboard: Set shortcuts
    1. Shortcuts/Windows/Lower all Windows - Menu Key
    2. Shortcuts/Launchers/Launch Termianl - Super-S
  7. Network: Setup Wireless Access
  8. Date&Time: Enable NTP and change to AM/PM

Run the Advanced System Settings (Gnome Tweak Tool) program to make these changes:

  1. Fonts:
    1. Modify text scaling factor as needed
    2. Change default font, document font and window title font to Lucida Grande
    3. Change hinting and Antialiasing as needed (depends on the display in use)
  2. Shell: Show date clock - ON
  3. Shell: Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar: ALL
  4. Window: Action on title bar doubleclick: Maximize Vertically
  5. Window: Window focus mode: Mouse

System Environmental Settings

Set SELinux to PermissiveTop

The SELinux security system is included and enabled in "enforcing" mode by default in Fedora Linux. SELinux greatly restricts the operation of many programs unless the root user has explicitly configured them to be allowed. This is an excellent system for high security environments but is often a frustrating obstacle on personal workstations which do not require top security.

SELinux can be put into "permissive" mode which allows it to remain installed and enabled but causes it to warn the user in situations where it would normally restrict access. This is a simple change to make and allows users to learn more about SELinux while operating the system.

To put SELinux into permissive mode, etc the file /etc/selinux/config and replace "enforcing" with "permissive":


SELinux will be in permissive mode when the system is rebooted.

Configure FirewallTop

Leave the firewall enabled if you can and open ports as needed.

Run the Firewall (GUI application) to make these changes:

  1. SSH - inbound shell access
  2. HTTP & HTTPS - allows serving web pages
  3. SAMBA & SAMBA CLIENT - allows serving files via CIFS (primarily to Windows VMs)


Install Custom FontsTop

The following commercial fonts are installed by copying several individual font directories into /usr/share/fonts. Note: I don't make these fonts available, Sorry.

  1. Myriad Pro
  2. Lucida Grande
  3. HP Simplified - Corporate use only.
[maxwell@elite ~]$ ls /usr/share/fonts
abattis-cantarell  default        msttcore            wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts
AdobeGaramond      dejavu         opensymbol          wine-small-fonts
AdobeMinion        hp             stix                wine-symbol-fonts
AdobeMisc          liberation     vlgothic            wine-system-fonts
AdobeMyriadPro     Lucida         wine-courier-fonts
AppleGaramond      MicroFontPack  wine-marlett-fonts

Install Microsoft FontsTop

Having standard Windows fonts helps websites designed for Windows look accurate and helps with importing Microsoft Office documents.

Download this archive and place the contents in /usr/share/fonts

Please do not link directly to this file!

Set Minimum Fonts Size in Firefox Top

Set the minimum font size in firefox to between 14 and 16 points to make it easier to view small text on high resolution displays (especially laptops.)

Run Firefox. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Content -> Fonts & Colors -> Advanced and configure what works best for you.

Special Installs

Install Oracle Java Top

OpenJDK works very well as a replacement for Oracle Java but there are some instances where problems can be seen. My attempts to run 3 or more HP iLO3 remote consoles simultaneously exhibit problems with OpenJDK but not with Oracle's JRE, so I use install Oracle and use that.

Navigate to the following link with Firefox and download the 64-bit JRE rpm file of the most recent version of Java.

Oracle JavaSE download page

Choose to have it open with the software installer and install it, or as root, use the rpm command to install the downloaded rpm file. Adjust this command for the filename you've downloaded.

# rpm -ivh jre-7u11-linux-x64.rpm

Next, use the alternatives command to tell Fedora to use Oracle Java instead of OpenJDK:

# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000

Then, install the Java plugin for Firefox:

# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ \ /usr/java/default/lib/amd64/ 20000

Restart Firefox and go to this page to verify Java is installed and working in your browser:

Download and install HP Virtual Rooms client for Linux Top

This client allows me to share my desktop at work.

Configure Applications

Configure Firefox Plug-ins) Top

Install the following Firefox plug-ins for a better firefox experience:

  1. Video Download Helper - Allows downloading web videos for offline viewing.
  2. Download Status Bar - Monitor downloads via statusbar strip instead of separate window.
  3. Flashblock - Hide Flash advertisements that waste laptop CPU cycles.

Configure conserver client (corporate) Top

I install a Conserver client that can access a conserver server. The conserver system uses a central server to monitor production systems serial port output and brokers access from simultaneous clients. I only need the client on my Fedora systems. This was downloaded earlier and needs

Create a /etc/conserver/console.conf with the following information:

default config for console
config * {
     port    3109;

Configure Pidgin Chat client Top

Pidgin provides me with a single chat client to all the accounts I use at home and work:

  1. Google Chat
  2. IRC
  3. Microsoft Office Communicator/Lync

Run Pidgin, then use Accounts -> Manage Accounts to set these up individually through Pidgin's user interface.

OR, copy a previously created $HOME/.purple directory into the new home directory and see if Pidgin uses the old settings.

Configure OpenVPN client (corporate) Top

OpenVPN is used to access a variety of secure networks in my life. Configuration is simple:

  1. Copy the existing openvpn.conf configuration file and cert key file to /etc/openvpn
  2. Launch openvpn to verify

Configure Samba Top

Samba provides network file sharing services to Windows clients. A Samba server running on a host enables Windows virtual machines to access the host's files.

First, set a samba password for your user:

$ smbpasswd -a
New SMB password: ********
Retype new SMB password: *******

Next, edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and make the following changes:

  1. Set the workgroup name
  2. Set the server string
  3. Allow Samba traffic on selected interfaces including VirtualBox and KVM host only networks
  4. Set security to simple user passwords on the host
  5. Configure access to users home directories via Samba
  6. Configure access to specific directories on the host (outside of users' homes)
server string = My Fedora Samba Server
interfaces = lo eth0
security = user

Remove eth0 from above if you wish to ONLY share files with the virtual machines on your host and not with other computers on your network.

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writeable = yes
comment = Music share
path = /media/music/
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
valid users = maxwell
comment = Virtual Machine Transfer folder
path = /home/maxwell/vmxfer
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
valid users = maxwell

As root, use systemctl to configure the system to start samba upon boot and issue two commands to start the services immediately for use.

# Configure the services to start

# systemctl enable smb
# systemctl enable nmb

# Start the services

# systemctl start smb
# systemctl start nmb

Configure VirtualBox Top

  1. Add 'maxwell' to the vboxusers group.
  2. Install an extensions pack. Download it here then use Virtualbox -> Preferences -> Extensions to install it.
  3. Restore any virtual machine images to the $HOME/VirtualBox directory.
  4. Run each VM and verify proper operation
  5. Test access to host files via Samba
ensure that vhostnet is working; configure services like samba to respect this setup vhostnet within virtualbox GUI: file/preferences/network

GNOME Shell Extensions


Gnome Shell Extensions are powerful bits of code that change and enhance the Gnome Shell environment to suit your specific needs.

The right set of extensions turns a frustrating default Gnome Shell graphical environment into a highly tailored, powerful, graphical environment that is a true pleasure to use.

All extensions can be easily enabled and disabled via their links on the Gnome Extensions web pages. Visit the links below to learn more, enable and explore, and disable the extensions you don't want.

View the Gnome Shell Extensions your system currently has installed.

"Dash and Overview Click Fix" Top

(Required): This extension modifies the Dash's default behavior for launching applications so that a new instance of the application will be launched even if you're already running it at least once. The default behavior is to take you to the first instance you started. For those of us power users that want 20 gnome-terminals and three web browsers open at the same time, this is a crucial extension.

Enable Dash and Overview Click Fix

"All-in-one Places" Top

(Desired): Gnome3 hides all the clutter that used to be on your computer desktop: folders, hard drives, removeable devices, trash can, network icon, computer icon. This extension provides a simple, clean drop down menu with all those resources for quick and easy access. Less clutter, same capabilities.

Enable All-in-one Places

"Bluetooth Icon Remover" Top

(Cleanup): This extension simply removes the bluetooth icon which is a distraction if you're not a bluetooth user.

Enable Bluetooth Icon Remover

"Remove Accessability Icon" Top

(Cleanup): This extension simply removes the Accessability Icon which is a distraction if you're not a user of these features.

Enable Remove Accesability Icon

"Recent Items" Top

(Desired): Recent items provides a drop down menu of recently used files so you can quickly get right back to them.

Enable Recent Items.

"Media Player Indicator" Top

(Desired): This provides a drop down menu that lets you control several Linux media players without having to leave your busy workspace.

Enable Advanced Volume Mixer

"Advanced Volume Mixer" Top

(Desired): This replaces the basic volume control with one that has more features including the ability to change audio output from monitor speakers to headphones. This is a favorite of mine and shows how you can get things done quickly with extensions instead of having to launch control panel and navigate settings.

Enable Advanced Volume Mixer

"Music Integration" Top

(Desired): Music Integration provides subtle notifications of tracks playing from several Linux audio players.

Enable Music Integration.

"Monitor Status Indicator" Top

(Optional): Monitor status provides a drop down menu for changing monitor layout from portrait to landscape. You might like this if you have a tilt-able monitor and occasionally switch from one mode to another.

Enable Monitor Status

"CPU Temperature Indicator" Top

(Optional): I install this extensions on laptops prone to over heating so I can keep an eye on how hot the chips are getting. Skipped on desktops.

Enable CPU Temperator Indicator

"CPU Frequency" Top

(Optional): I use CPU Frequency to monitor my CPU's speed to ensure that my laptop's running slow when I'm not doing anything and trying its best when I think it's being slow.

Enable CPU Frequency

"Workspace Indicator" Top

(Optional): Workspace Indicator shows the workspace your desktop is focused on as a numbered icon on the top right panel. I've been a heavy user of workspaces for years and I'm used to having a simple way to tell which workspace my desktop is currently focused on.

Enable Workspace Indicator

Restore Data

Restore User Files Top

Now that my system is pretty much where I want it to be, I'll start copying over my /home files from backup systems.

Here's a rough idea of what I do. This isn't documented as well as I like because the process changes from version to version and I mostly restore files as-needed when I find I need them.

  1. Copy old $HOME/.mozilla to new $HOME directory. This restores my firefox configuration including bookmarks, passwords, cookies, etc.
  2. Copy old .signature
  3. Copy old .purple (Pidgin Chat)
  4. Copy old .remmina (VNC client)
  5. Copy old .vim (editor)
  6. Copy old .ssh (secure shell keys)
  7. Copy old .vim (vim config)
  8. Copy old .gftp (graphical ftp bookmarks)
  9. Copy old .dircolors (colorized gnome terminal 'solarized' theme)

Restore Evolution Email Configuration and Data Top

Included in the restore above should have been a .tgz file containing configuration data and emails from a previous Evolution Mail application backup.

To restore these, simply launch Evolution and go to File -> Restore Evolution Data

That's it.. Now you actually get to use your new Fedora system!